Achieve success with Menu System's five-star cooking suite planning

Die Fünfsterne-Herdplanung der Menu System AG

Menu System AG is the quality and market leader for customised and multifunctional induction cooking suites throughout Europe. It is setting new standards with its five-star cooking suite design and attaches to individual cooking suite planning the value it deserves in relation to optimised efficiency of working and production processes in professional kitchens.   Five-star cooking suite design represents the indispensable basis for successful and profitable working in the world’s major kitchens for the Menu System AG specialists and advisers – usually well-trained and experienced former chefs de cuisine and chefs.   Menu System has concentrated on the heart of the kitchen – the cooker. Every cooking suite is designed to the customer’s individual wishes and requirements. Dimensions, functionalities and performance values are tailored to the individual kitchen, its concepts and culinary offering so that it is an ideal fit for each and every kitchen and its culinary concept.

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