Culinary excellence with Menu System SlideControl

Die Fünfsterne-Herdplanung der Menu System AG
The patent-protected innovation by the quality and market-leader for customised and multifunctional induction cooking suites throughout Europe enables chefs to influence and control the energy of the induction hob and thus the cooking process simply by moving the frying pan or sauté pan on the induction hob.   Full heating power is emitted when the pan is placed in the centre of the hob. A digital information display indicates the effective power level. If the pan is moved a few centimetres away from the centre towards the edge, the cooking power is quickly and continuously reduced. However, the pan remains fully on the induction magnetic coil. Power control is electronic by assessing the movement of the pan. Whether you wish to gently simmer or intensively boil – a single movement is all that’s needed to achieve the required cooking result. Using the latest technology from Menu System, every pan can be controlled independently, with every induction hob zone having its own fully autonomous Slide Control technology.

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